'Tis the Season

As I sit here watching Hallmark Christmas Movies, I can't help but think of my Mom and Dad, my grandparents, and all of the other close family members that I have lost. I also long for more time with those with distance between us. For me, Christmas is the time of year for families to be close.
My Mom loved Christmas for this very reason. It was a time when we all gathered together. Boy do I miss those days and have such fond memories. I miss my parents. My Mom was my Angel.
Who puts an Angel on the top of their Christmas tree? I always have, year after year. This year I made my own tree topper using a top hat, a huge bow with long ribbon streamers and lots of other decorations and greenery. I will have Angels on the tree for sure, without a doubt.
I decided to decorate a set of Angel Wings to sell. So many of us have those we hold dear in our hearts. Seeing these hanging on your wall will bring floods of warmth and love to your heart along with many fond memories. They can be found in my Shop.
It is so easy for us to get so caught up in our daily lives that we lose sight of those around us that may need a little help this time of year. Come on now, give up that Frappuccino once a week and go grab a name off an Angel Tree in your community. There are so many people and families all around each of us that we can easily bless by donating a small gift so their child can open a gift on Christmas morning. Drop your loose change in the red bucket as you walk in or out of your local stores. You will never miss it. Come on now, be a blessing to someone this year. Pay it forward.
Stay humble and be kind..........Be a blessing to someone in need.....